The world of Liam: A taxing time of it..

The world of Liam

Er.. Liam practicing his typing in front of a possible audience of a few billion, and a probable audience of significantly less.

Location: United Kingdom

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

A taxing time of it..

Hi readers,

Well today being the beginning of a new month, it was the one in 12 where my car tax came up for renewal. Yes, I know I can make it easy on myself and send off a cheque a fortnight or so before hand, when the reminder comes in. A week or so later, and I'll have a brand new disc in my hand.

But I'm a bloke..

(Why is it that the DVLA can't print the tax disc on a circular bit of paper? It perhaps wouldn't be quite as bad if the perforations were actually designed to do the job for which they were originally intended, but they don't. I bought the disc this evening on the way home from work. I had it in my car. Could I affix it to the windscreen there and then? I had, what most people would think are all the equipment needed for such a complex job.. a windscreen, a brand new tax disc, and a suitable holder to put it in. But no, the tax disc isn't in the windscreen yet, as I had to take it away from it's natural environment into the living room. I then had to hunt around for a pair scissors, and carefully cut out the disc, throwing about a third of the supplied paper in the bin. There, even found an environmental reason for this to be a bad idea. As I say, because of all that mucking about, and the fact that it was dark by the time I'd finished cutting the damn thing out, my car is sitting outside the house in a state of illegality.)

I don't know about other people reading this, but I for one cannot find the slightest inclination to administrate my life. When my insurance renewal comes up later this month, I'll also leave that to the last minute and run around furiously getting quotes, and transferring money between accounts to pay for it. Yes, I could pop into the bank tomorrow and move an approximate amount of money across to my current account in readiness.. but I won't. :)

It's not that I'm awful at organisation, in fact I'd go so far as to say that I have a very logical approach to planning, foreseeing problems and dealing with them in order to make someone elses life a little easier. It's just when it's my life, that I seem to prefer to make everything as hard a task as I can reasonably do so, in the always very short space of time available.

Buying a beer for myself seems to be a remarkable pinnacle of achievment most of the time. Naturally, I have to stand at the bar at all times, in order to make subsequent contracts as painless as ever.

Well, what else have I done today. I reported my Grandmother's hot water cylinder to the council.. online no less. It leaks from at least one of the connectors, although it's difficult to tell exactly. It may have been doing this for some time, considering the limescale that has built up on the outside, bears a not too disimilar resemblance to the inner caves of Cheddar Gorge. It even comes complete with two real life stalagmites hanging off the main body of the build up. If I can get a picture taken before it's fixed, I'll post it up.

That'll do for the moment. I'm just going to try and add a picture of me to the top of the page. This should be fun.. :)

