The world of Liam: May 2005

The world of Liam

Er.. Liam practicing his typing in front of a possible audience of a few billion, and a probable audience of significantly less.

Location: United Kingdom

Monday, May 23, 2005

No pain, no gain....

Hi all,

I had an idea.. one which will probably illicit much complaint from the liberal elite. Which in itself is a good thing.

Through the history of evolution (YECs may as well bugger off now) nature has given us, and most animals, an extremely effective sensory capability for those times when we do something that is possibly dangerous, or irritating. Pain. How many people would willingly put a wasp in their mouth? Just the thought of the pain, even if you've never before been stung, is enough to stop all but the seriously certifiable from attempting such a proposition. People will generally not put their fingers near the fast moving parts of your own choice of power tool for the same reason.

Which brings me back to the original point that I haven't in actual fact made yet. We have all these namby pamby outreach muppets attempting to use various modern versions of the old "boys will be boys" adage to explain why thugs are running rampant on the streets of this country intimidating little old ladies, mugging people etc. and all because they know that if they did get caught, some do-gooder would always be there to stand up for the poor little mis-understood soul.

"He was dropped on his head as a baby", (not bloody hard enough, in my opinion) or that there is "..nothing for these lovely children to do in their spare time." That one cracks me up, and I'm sure those of a similar generation as me would smile also. I was brought up in the '70s and early '80s in a small town in the midlands. Money was something that we'd heard of, but didn't see in huge amounts. If we wanted some, we'd go and wash the neighbour's car, or go spudding/ fruit picking (dependant on season of course) and then we could buy a pint of maggots between us and go fishing.

(Warning, I'm about to sound positively geriatric)

We didn't have the things that modern kids take for granted today.. computers, Playstations, DVD players, top of the range mountain bikes etc.etc. We had to make our own amusement. Tennis, where the court was marked out on the ground with chalk.. the prior existence of Lake Mercia saw that we always had an ample supply. A football and an empty car park could amuse us for the entire summer. We had push-bikes, and anyone over the age of 6 could fix a puncture. We'd all arrange day trips, cycling up to Avon Dasset hills for the day.. the oldest of the group promising (and always being true to their word) that the younger members of the group would be looked after.

We didn't have time to get bored, we were always doing something. And now we have a generation of kids that seem to take the insult of being called a chav as some kind of term of endearment.. it's not, you brain dead twat.

Back to the pain thing. If these hoodlums were threatened with punishment by pain, administered harmlessly, say by clinical stimulation of pain receptors (or baseball bat, I'm easy on that score), until such time as they decided that it probably wasn't such a good idea to cause havoc and mayhem where-ever they go, then they may start to channel their energies into something more productive.

Certainly there would be some cause for concern amongst those of a more sensitive disposition.. mainly those who are in charge of our legal system; but if the threat of punishment actually made people cringe in terror then it can only be a good thing.

I remember the days when just the sight of a policeman would make me tremble with fear, and without having done anything wrong. Now they're more likely to be spat at, and chased out of town, leaving a police no-go area for them to thrive in.

I think it has always been understandable that a little old lady may not want to venture out after dark, more from the perception of fear than the tangible threat of it, but even I have found myself checking out the shadows more carefully than is to be reasonably expected. To put that into perspective, for those that may have some false preconceptions about my appearance, I'm a 5'10" and 200lb+ ex-bodybuilder, not exactly what one would consider potential victim material.

So, a short sharp shock (taser stylee) or more "soft on crime, soft on the causes of crime". What say you?

If this isn't controversial enough, I'm sure I can come up with better.



Friday, May 06, 2005

The Election is over....

Newsflash Michael Howard has stated his intention to stand down from the leadership of the Conservative party, once the system of renewing that position is put in place. Now would be a good time, in my opinion to bring back William Hague, the best leader of the party in many years.

There was an election yesterday.. as you may know of course. That Tony Blair was returned to power for a record third time earlier this morning was only really a matter of time once the campaigning had all but finished.

I, like many other people interested in politics, stayed up and watched it on TV.. until around 6:10 this morning. A quick check on the net for a few specifics and asleep by just after 6:30. I do this every general election, and so am now sitting in front of the screen having a well earned day off, having been up now for the better part of an hour.

Well, so Tony Blair has a vastly reduced majority. That can only be a good thing for this country. He won't have the ability, as he has in the past, of riding roughshod over parliament whenever the hell he wants. His majority is down from 167 seats to just 66, going by the latest BBC forecast. There are still some results yet to come in. The Tory's share of the vote has changed very little in real terms, yet they have secured gains of 35 seats as we speak, and with maybe a couple more to come.

The Lib Dems have had a fair turnout to be honest gaining another 11 seats so far. I did smile at Mr Kennedy's comments made in the early hours that "The era of three-party politics right across the UK is now with us". I'm sorry Charles.. what was that again?

Lib Dem61

Even with gains of 20% on their 2001 results, His total representation in government is just 11% of the total number of seats, leaving 88% (12 "others" excluded) of parliamentary seats held between the two major parties. Okay, my maths is a bit rough having only had a few hours sleep, but it doesn't look like a convincing three way battle to me.

It seems that there were only two main areas of Lib Dem policy that have managed to gain them the extra support in the first place, these being that they were the only party to oppose unreservedly the war in Iraq, a key factor in this election, and that of a massive student vote in favour of the abolition of impending tuition fees. Tuition fees, if introduced will still be a major factor in those constituencies that have a large student population next time around, but with a few more vocal exceptions the war in Iraq, given that slowly the country is working towards a full democratic government, will be all but ancient history.

Well, let's have a look at how the spread of seats would look if we had proportional representation, which I'm sure will be mentioned in the coming days. This is of course an ideal that all but the winning party under current electoral policy will always agree with. So, how would the new parliament shape up if they truly represented the will of the people..

Lib Dem146(61)

(The results are changing as more results come in, but I'ts close enough for the purpose of illustration)

That looks a bit more representative of the real choice that people have made. Labour are holding on to their still very large majority of seats with a very narrow practical margin of popularity. If we ever did get proportional representation introduced in this country, I don't even think that they would be the leading party today. It's of course difficult to judge with so much tactical voting going on across the country, but I wouldn't be surprised if people voted for their party with no tactics involved then Conservative and Labour would be now in coalition with Lib Dems bringing up a rather poor third place.

You all know my political leanings by now.. for those new to this blog, that's conservative.. but I do have to mention one Labour candidate that I felt sorry for, on losing their seat this morning. Oona King, a very able MP for Bethnal Green & Bow for the last eight years, lost out to George Galloway. He's obviously become well known for his alledged ties with Saddam Hussein over the last few years. I can't comment on that, as I don't know the full story, but I saw his declaration this morning, and thought.. "Oh well, another Labour kicking.. whatever!".

Then he opened his mouth. I will be looking forward to PMQs with relish now. I dare say that I will disagree with much of what he says, but along with the likes of Tony Banks, Ken Livingstone and in previous times Tony Benn, I like any politition that says what they mean regardless of what others may think. He first praised the work that she had done over the last eight years and was as gracious in his personal victory against Ms King, as she was in defeat. I genuinely felt sorry for her. She has been doing some sterling work by all accounts, in one of the most ethnically diverse constituencies in the country, and will no doubt be back before too long.

I have to say though, that how ever vociferous a candidate has been regarding other polititions, and they all play the game to some extent, it's a first to decry the presiding officer and call for their resignation within minutes of winning a seat. Yes, I'll be looking forward to his speeches in the months to come.

On a more local note, Andrew MacKay has made further increases on his previous results now enjoying the support of just about 50% of the area's electorate. Labour have managed to lose yet another seven percentage points, in their quest for total anihilation here. Congratulations to a job well done, and may you have further successes such as this in the future.

Admittedly, Labour are never going to be a big player in a constituency that is in almost full employment, and has no recent manufacturing history, or a high student population.

If I extrapolated this to say that Labour/Liberal seats tend towards those areas that have higher unemployment, strong histories of manual labour.. be that mining, farming or heavy industry.. or lots of young idealists, then that probably fits in with the general trends toward party loyalties across the country.

I've been writing for ages now (I've just looked.. this has taken the thick end of three hours. I must go and do something more practical), and I think I should stop.. so I will.. but don't worry, I've not finished my political opinionating over this election just yet.

More to follow.

