The world of Liam: February 2005

The world of Liam

Er.. Liam practicing his typing in front of a possible audience of a few billion, and a probable audience of significantly less.

Location: United Kingdom

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Biannual Darts


Last night was the biannual darts tournament held at the Hanworth Club. Somehow, I managed to win. Below are a couple of photos of me. Simon was the runner up, and a worthy opponent. Phil was the winner last time around, and the cup he's handing over to me will grace the mantlepeice (or top of bookshelf to be more precise) for the following six months. The other cup, which you can see in the piccie with Simon, I get to keep forever.

Me and Simon

Me and Phil

A fuller article will appear in the darts pages of the Hanworth Club website, along with a few more pictures. The main difference between this blog and the article will be the distinct lack of subtle, yet unabashed links to the Hanworth Club, or the HSC as it is more commonly known by the members of the Club. (I think I've worn that joke out now) :)



Saturday, February 12, 2005

Ding Dong, the bells are going to ring..

Hi all,

another busy week, with little time to write anything.. more work on the website.. still no content as such, but that's changing once I've honed my typing skills for a few minutes here.. and cheers to Ciber and Renegade for their help so far.. :)

In the news this week, it appears that our heir to the throne is getting hitched. Congratulations to the both of you.. and assuming of course that you haven't lost the link to my blog in the meantime, I look forward to the invite.

Most of my contact with the media (outside of the 'net) tends to be listening to verbal radio stations such as R4, R5 and Talk Sport.. except for the sport. Radio Five have had a multitude of rabid monarchists, vapid republicans and zealous religionists of various flavours all having their say on what the rest of us think about this marriage. The more vocal republicans are a particularly hilarious bunch of people who I'd rather not have standing near me in a quiet bar. They would like to see the Royal Family summarily executed in a French Revolution style.

They see as the major problem, the fact that we pay for them, and as such they are our property to do with as we see fit. We do pay for them.. they cost us roughly £40 million, or less than 80p each.. in a year; two thirds of which are for the upkeep of buildings such as Windor Castle, Balmoral and of course Buck House, which would be paid anyway, monarchy or not. The price of one decent newspaper or two redtops.

The returns that the treasury receives from the Crown Estates etc. come to around £170 million a year. Net gain.. £130 million, or around £2.10 per person. If I were a gambling man, and I'm not, I would think that a pretty much guaranteed return of 3-1 on a given investment is money well spent. To put it into some sort of perspective, for the same money that we pay to the Royal Family in a year (ignoring the fact that they pay it all back again threefold) we get Europe for around four days, and that's net contribution.. we don't see it again.

So, I have the choice of putting my meagre individual contribution towards an outdated, out moded, out of touch corrupt and inept bunch of inbred twats, or.. tadum tish.. the Royal Family. I'd have the Royals any day.

And just as a side issue, certain members of the Church of England have voiced concerns about changing the rules to allow divorcees to marry. This, if I remember correctly, is the exact reason this subset of Christianity was invented in the first place, when old 'enery fell out of favour with the papacy for much the same thing.. :)

Apart from which, of course, is the consideration of an alternative to the Royals? It's been done to death elsewhere, but the phrase "President Blair" still sends a shiver down my spine. If we have an elected President he will have a political agenda to follow, irrespective of the ruling democratic power of the day. I agree that we should have a democratically elected body politic to decide how best to squand.. distribute our taxes for the benefit of all, but why should the head of state need to be a political position? Surely we have at the moment, one of the most widely respected heads of state in the world. Completely apolitical, of a financial worth so great that even the biggest of multinationals aren't going to be able to buy favour with Her, and of a character that is unimpeachable. Nor, in five years time will all those qualities be used to prostitute herself and her soul to the public, in order to reign for another session.

Compare that with the fine work being done in Westminster at the moment. They couldn't give a toss about their public.. any of them. They just want to be voted in as the ruling party next time. Nothing else is on their mind. Certainly, as the much hinted at election comes nearer we get an increasingly ugly policy battle going on, with all the party leaders promising a positive utopia.. if only you'll give them a chance. Well realistically anyway, two of the parties, as I can't see old Chucky Lush being Prime Minister anytime soon, can you?

You only have to look at the US to see what can happen with elected heads of state. I'm sure Blair would love to be president, and have all that power at his hands, and to an almost complete extent he does. The Queen still has to give Royal Assent to new laws of the land, but that's pretty much academic, as I know of no instance where there has been a refusal to do so.. even with the crap that Blair comes up with.

We have in this country The House of Commons, and the House of Lords. Bills voted on by the democratically elected Commons, have to be agreed also in the Upper House, which if you ever watch parliamentary TV, is always referred to in hushed tones by the members of parliament as "The other place". Of course if Blair and his oiks want to force through a peice of pet legislation, and if the Lords reject the bill, he uses a facility known as an Act of Parliament to acheive his goal. This a useful thing if emergency legislation had to be agreed on, in the case of war or other disaster that may befall this country.. Blair prefers to use it as a handy little way of appeasing potential voters, such as the ban on hunting with dogs. I will add that although I agree with that bill, that's not what the act was meant for. It was also used to lower the age of consent for homosexual males from 18 to 16. It does strikes me as odd though, that neither of these was a national disaster, unless you like watching animals being ripped limb from limb by other animals, or have a penchant for young boys.

Erm, I got a little side-tracked there. My main point for mentioning the wedding, is that it's going to be on Friday April the 8th. That happens to be the day of celebration heralding in my 38th year of existence on this rock. Although I've never been particularly fussed about birthdays etc. I've always maintained the tradition of taking the day off, and have never worked on my birthday, since leaving school. This year a colleague has taken that week off, and it looks as though I may have to break with tradition.

With the Royal Wedding coinciding nicely, and with Blair looking for as many cynical votes as possible, I think it would be nice to make it a public holiday in joint celebration of me becoming a little bit older, and err, some wedding or other.

Write to your local MP asking that the day be made a holiday.. if not for your future King, then for me.

That's it really,



Saturday, February 05, 2005

Hi all,

I've been busy setting up a new website for the past few days, hence the lack of blogging. You may have noticed a new feature to the page.. yep, music. I've been playing around with some music on the website I've been writing, and thought I'd have a play here as well.

This first peice, (I'll change them on a regular basis, or source them to some sort of random music player) JS Bach's Air on a G-String (go on, snigger.. then move on. It's not clever or funny) :) I chose this peice simply because it seems very apt for one particular page on the site. The Pool team's page. (click and see.. our team is marked in Red)

I guess only the brits reading will get the joke, but to quickly explain, a certain cigar manufacturer used the music in a long running series of adverts, while you could still advertise cigars here, with great success. When everything went completely wrong, the person concerened would just sit down and light up a cigar.. fade to coils of rising smoke, and simple contentment.

I'll happily play any requests I can find a midi file for; and although I'd prefer classical or more modern pop classics, you can suggest more up to date stuff.. but I'll be unlikely to play much off of the Now series of derge compilations. Also, with midi files, anything much other than classical music tends to sound tinny (or even relatively tuneless).

I'll also be quite happy to show anyone how to put the music on their blog. Ask in the comments section, and I'll blog it next time. I'ts just one line of script.. you just need to know where the music comes from. This file is only 9kb, so there wouldn't be much worry with bandwidth issues if you stuck the music on your own sites and linked it to here, as I have.

Well.. suggest away. I'd like comments on the website as well, if you feel the need.

