The world of Liam

The world of Liam

Er.. Liam practicing his typing in front of a possible audience of a few billion, and a probable audience of significantly less.

Location: United Kingdom

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Hi all,

I've been busy setting up a new website for the past few days, hence the lack of blogging. You may have noticed a new feature to the page.. yep, music. I've been playing around with some music on the website I've been writing, and thought I'd have a play here as well.

This first peice, (I'll change them on a regular basis, or source them to some sort of random music player) JS Bach's Air on a G-String (go on, snigger.. then move on. It's not clever or funny) :) I chose this peice simply because it seems very apt for one particular page on the site. The Pool team's page. (click and see.. our team is marked in Red)

I guess only the brits reading will get the joke, but to quickly explain, a certain cigar manufacturer used the music in a long running series of adverts, while you could still advertise cigars here, with great success. When everything went completely wrong, the person concerened would just sit down and light up a cigar.. fade to coils of rising smoke, and simple contentment.

I'll happily play any requests I can find a midi file for; and although I'd prefer classical or more modern pop classics, you can suggest more up to date stuff.. but I'll be unlikely to play much off of the Now series of derge compilations. Also, with midi files, anything much other than classical music tends to sound tinny (or even relatively tuneless).

I'll also be quite happy to show anyone how to put the music on their blog. Ask in the comments section, and I'll blog it next time. I'ts just one line of script.. you just need to know where the music comes from. This file is only 9kb, so there wouldn't be much worry with bandwidth issues if you stuck the music on your own sites and linked it to here, as I have.

Well.. suggest away. I'd like comments on the website as well, if you feel the need.

