The world of Liam: March 2005

The world of Liam

Er.. Liam practicing his typing in front of a possible audience of a few billion, and a probable audience of significantly less.

Location: United Kingdom

Friday, March 25, 2005


Hi all,

I learnt something this week, namely that the education system in this country is probably going down the pan. As you may know if you've been here for a while, I work for our local council. The job adverts came out on Wednesday. These are all in the public domain, as can be found here.

One that caught my eye, was for the modern apprentice scheme. An honourable way to start your career, and in so much as I know nothing about them, I'm sure it's a sterling idea. I was at a loss though, to understand the following..

"MAs allow a young person to earn as they learn and the scheme includes working towards a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ), technical certificate and appropriate key skills in communication, number and IT."

.. or more specifically what on earth "number" was. I guessed it may have something to do with err.. numbers. As I visit the library most days, I thought I'd find out. I found a very informative book.. and left it at work, as you do. It was basically a slightly older version of this one.

And here is the description..

"GNVQ Key Skills: Application of Number

Introducing a concise guide to all the Application of Number techniques required by Level 2 and 3 students in any subject. This book covers all the essential knowledge and techniques required to pass the Application of Number tests by showing students how maths can be applied in the real world. Maths is explained in a real-life context, using everyday examples that bring the subject alive. Unlike traditional maths books it focuses on the application of mathematical theory to the world around us.

Starting with basic principles the text works through to apply mathematics to relevant examples and applications that bring the subject into a clear and understandable context for students and teachers alike. Explanation is followed by exercises, turning knowledge into learning. The book’s emphasis is on learning and practising techniques, rather than portfolio-building. Use it for revision and external test preparation, making use of the practical definitions, clear explanations and numerous of practice opportunities provided."

Now I realise that along with a few others that visit this corner of my planet here, I have an interest in the sciences and am probably above average in the understanding of maths, taking the whole population into account. I also don't wish to insult anyone who has learning difficulties or any other problem that could hinder their educational development.

However, this book, and the whole thinking behind "number" is an insult to the people who have to learn it.. in my own humble opinion. You should remember that this is not a school book, but a post full time educational supplement, to help you acheive a nationally recognised employment qualification. And I've not told you about it yet have I? This book is the sort of educational book I'd feel happy in lending to my 4 year old nephew. I'm seeing him later and wished I had remembered to bring the book home, so I could do a little experiment.

If you're an adult reading this perhaps doing an NVQ/GNVQ, or even better someone in secondary school, would you need your maths text book to give you the full 1-12 list of the one times table? It does go into slightly more complex areas, and let's face it, it would only be a pamphlet otherwise; but there is nothing in that book that I could see that would trouble your average year 7 student. Or certainly not when I went to school.

Has dumbing down reached an all time low? If this is the sort of stuff that someone who's left school hasn't yet learnt, then what on earth has this government been getting teachers to teach their charges. I know the teachers are told what they have to teach, and do the best job they possibly can under increasing legislation and bureaucracy, so they must be tearing their hair out at having to follow dumbed down rubbish. If Kiteman's reading, what say you?

And why call it number in the first place? It just exudes "stupid politition, in this PC world, changing a perfectly good term for a new hip, trendy one, in a pure New Labour stylee", doesn't it. If I was looking to explain maths to someone using the term number, then I would be looking for a small child, and starting with the number 1 on their left thumb, continuing to 5 on the pinky before feeding them some blended food, and settling them down for their nap. I certainly wouldn't be aiming it at people who probably already have GCSEs in maths and maybe a science or two as well.

Anyway, that's enough ranting for now.. I have other subjects to rant on that are vaguely topical, but they will have to wait for now..



ps. If anyone from the photo blogs wants to critique my photos below, please feel free. I'm about to burn all 180 odd to CD now, and show them off to Mrs Liam's family.. they just don't realise it yet.. :)

Monday, March 21, 2005

My holiday diary, by Liam.. aged 37 and 11 1/2 months

Hi all,

well those of you that have just waited 5 minutes for the page to load because of all the photos, now get the words to go with them.

As I mentioned previously we took a short 4 day break in Llanberis, which if you want to locate on a map, is just North West of Snowdon. A six hour drive and we were there. We had a 6 berth caravan all to ourselves, so there was plenty of room to stretch out and relax. Being too lazy to cook anything that first evening we trooped over to the bar to see what was on offer grub wise. It was their "curry-and-a-pint-for-a-fiver" night. That was damned lucky we thought. A tenners worth later and we retired to the "library bar" for more beer. A book shelf adorned one end of the room filled with lots of the classics.. Dickens and Stevenson to name but two, and some not so classic.. someone had been so kind as to donate several TV style interior decorating books. Nice.

There was a 9 hole golf course on site, and we played 18 holes on the Friday. Tiger Woods vs Jack Nicklaus it wasn't. I seem to remember being at least competant at golf, but for some reason I could barely hit the ball out of the way. I parred 3 holes out of the 18. If anyone's in the slightest bit interested, my stableford score was 35. This is not a bad score really, but it looks a bit desparate when you see the individual hole scores. Bored yet?? :)

We spent most of the time out and about, looking for photo opportunities. The ones below are just a small selection. I'll save you from the whole collection.. around 180, but I'll probably post them on Flickr or somewhere, and you can see the rest at your leisure.

That's about it for now. I've got to catch up on my telly. The only downside to the caravan was the TV's ability to only show 4 channels. Like a lot of people who have cable, Sky etc. even the basic packages will provide 30-40 channels, and I currently have around 150. I never knew that you got so much dross on the major channels. I almost looked forward to the adverts.. almost.

Right.. Peak Practice is just starting, hopefully.



A tribute to Rorschach

Corny use of reflection.

Still water, mountains, early evening.. I couldn't help myself. I think it looks like a butterfly.

Photo of a tree.

Knarled wood

The trees were startlingly different to those I've seen elsewhere. I don't know what exactly it was about them, but they all had that faerie forest look to them. This isn't perhaps the best photo technically, but it does give a good idea of what I mean.

Photo of a daffodil

Couldn't do a welsh blog without the obligatory daffodil.

Yes, I know.. it's hardly original, but I like the freshness of it. The background doesn't interfere with the flower and pushes it to the front of the frame. Do I sound particularly luvvey here?

Before digital.

I took this one back in 1884.

Here I tried to produce a convincing old time photo. It seems to work. The old sepia photos tended to be a bit grainy, and on full digital zoom the camera does tend to degrade the quality somewhat.. perfect for this style of picture.


Sheep Country.

This one, I think, gives you a good idea of the countryside of North Wales. It's not as mountainous as the Highlands of Scotland, but there is a similarity nonetheless. There's little in the way of suitable agricultural land, but it makes perfect grazing land for hardy animals that don't mind standing on the sides of hills all day, and if you like sheep, you'll be more than satisfied here. (Stop laughing at the back.. )

The clouds roll in.

On the cliff face.

While having a drive up in the hills, as you do, we stopped in a layby due to the lack of visibility. This was the view look down into the valley below.. we were above the cloudline by a couple of hundred feet. This is the resulting photographic effort. Rocky outcrops and the odd tree determined to grow, whatever obstacles they were faced with. I'm perhaps 30 feet above the base of the central tree looking down into the valley.. and you wonder why we pulled over. Extreme driving.. that's lovely isn't it.



These pictures aren't in any sort of order, but this was taken on a bright sunny afternoon. The bright sun tends to flatten out the landscape, and makes it more difficult to take good colour pictures. They just look like snapshots, which they are of course. I had a little play with the B&W switch on the camera. This is one of the better ones.. I like it anyway.

A tree

A tree..

I'll probably change this photo. This tree was just standing there all on it's own minding it's business when I started taking pictures of it. The sky was a bright blue and the tree looked good standing out against it.. so I posted a B&W picture..hmm. I'll post the colour one a bit later, I just like the look of this one... and yes, that's the right angle, the camera wasn't crooked.. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

On holiday..

This is the life.. 9.20 on a Tuesday, and I'm just lazing around, blogging. I have a bar of dark chocolate in front of me, fair trade of course. The local convenience store is a Co-op, and they stock a good range of these products. Go for the dark chocolate though. The milk chocolate is just bland. It's difficult to detect any real flavour.

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, nothing to do and all day to do it. Well almost. Mrs Liam and I are off to Wales tomorrow for a few days, so carefully filling a holdall with clothes etc. is going to take up ooh! around two minutes. For the female of the species I'm sure, this could take a while.. accessories, does this go with these.. etc. whereas I am of the lucky gender. Washbag, jeans and T-shirts, a pair of trousers and a decent shirt or two for dinner out, trainers and a pair of shoes, and a random handful of gentlemens personal attire. Packed and ready to go.

I just have to put a suitable amount of effort into making it look complicated and stressful, so as not to make out that us blokes are actually capable of doing these simple tasks blindfolded. It would upset the balance of power to a degree that I'm not sure I'm ready for. Could you chaps reading take that risk.. I couldn't.

And of course, two essential items. Golf clubs and a camera or two. As I'm going to be away from my PC for almost 5 days, I need to get myself another memory card for the camera, just in case. I may want to take more than 500 pictures, and so should be prepared.. :) I will of course post up a few of the best on my return.

I haven't blogged for a while now. I could put something here every day, I suppose, but would anybody want to read it..

"I started on an idea for a puzzles and comps page to the HSC website, in an effort to entice a wider readership, it's not online yet, as I want to change servers before doing anything more to the site structure" or "I won £750 playing online poker yesterday", besides being true, albeit play money; isn't all that facinating for others possibly. I tried similar phrases face to face, and my suspicions were confirmed.

Talking of poker, I started getting in from darts, pool, meetings, and all the other evening stuff I do, and ended up watching lots of poker tournaments on the TV. (Challenge TV.. channel 307NTL) It looks easy I thought, but as my idea of gambling is to put 50p in a fruit machine twice a year, I didn't fancy using my own hard earned to put this to the test. I had a look round the 'net over the weekend and found You download the program and in a few minutes you're playing real games with real people all round the world.. for free (or for real, if you are of a gambling ilk). If you like card games, you'll like this. And I got paid nothing for that blatant advert, which is a shame.. :)

Well that's about it for this thrilling episode.. tune in another time, for more err random stuff. I may blog again tomorrow, as I have all this time on my hands. Enjoy work.. I'm going to go and win some more money.. hopefully :)



Saturday, March 05, 2005

To Snafu

Hi Snafu,

Here's the code you need for the BB logo. I've changed all your ID refs, so all you need to do is just copy and paste the following straight into your template. You need to include everything inside this text area.



Tuesday, March 01, 2005

It's about time I wrote something..??

Hi all,

Long time no see. As the title suggests, it really is about time I put finger to keyboard.. but I'm not sure what I'm going to write yet. I figure that I ought to mention the snow we've had. Bracknell has a freebie paper called the Midweek News. The front page had a full page spread (minus the ads of course) piece about the snow here in Bracknell. I'm paraphrasing, as the paper is at work.. but the lead sentence went something along the lines of..

"Bracknell was brought to a standstill, with traffic gridlocked and several accidents, when a centimetre (about 0.4 inches for those that prefer to deal in proper money) of snow fell on Bracknell."

A centimetre.. I've been to Norway, and Austria several times. How come they can manage to run as smoothly as ever, when an overnight snowfall could lay down a metre or two of the white stuff. There were complaints from angry residents of Bracknell, unable to attend work.. and reports of twenty odd schools closed.. that's almost half the schools in the Borough! I, and my two fellow couriers somehow managed to weave through the carnage that was the muppet show on wheels, and alight at work without being late, and two colleagues also made it in, and they travel in some distance of a morning.

It's amazing what a bit of foresight can do. The forecast says snow; you look out of the window before going to bed and the ground has snow on it; you might just think to yourself.. hmm, there may be snow on the ground in the morning, plus some to clear off the car. You have two options, wake up as normal, leave the house for your ten minute drive to work, and look down in utter despair and realise it wasn't a draem afterall.. and then turn up an hour or two late. On the other hand, you could take into account the facts that you've accumulated over the previous evening, get out of your pit a bit earlier, and look out of the window. The worst that can happen is that it's melted overnight and you get an extra twenty minutes of breakfast telly, and a second cup of tea before you go out.

The driving skills of some, making the treacherous journey to their place of work that morning, were of a standard not seen outside of the city streets of Rome before. I went thirty yards from my house to find some poor sod straddling a chicane bollard. If you stick your brakes on going round a tight corner, with snow or ice between your wheels and the ground, you effectively switch off your steering. That's the theory, and it was nice for some kind person to give a live demonstration for all to see. A bit further up the road, I drove cautiously past a TVR, proving to all around that 400 horses pounding under the bonnet doesn't get you up a hill any quicker. On the roundabout, another unfortunate had managed to accessorise the front of his '54 reg BMW estate with an eye-catching decorative trim in the shape of a traffic light. Yes, it's the first time I'd seen an orange flashing light on a beemer as well.. :)

Sadly, all the roads were clear of both snow and muppets by about 10 o'clock, but we've still got a small chance of some more in the next day or so.

I've also been playing around with the website a lot recently, hence the [relative] lack of posts here. Thanks to loads of advice from Renegade over at Min-Data, it's looking pretty good at the moment. I do have a bit of a problem with the content filling at the moment. Like this place, I seem to spend at least as much time buggering about with the mechanics and appearance of the site as I do in actually adding any useful stuff to read and digest. With the blog, it's probably not quite as fatal as the site, as quiet a few of you (thankyou all) link here, so I'm still getting new visitors popping in. The site though, needs to be kept fresh, dynamic and engaging in order to attract a regular supply of readers to it.

I want it to be all those things, but I also want it to be as good technically as I can make it, and as I only have so much time in any one day, the content does seem to come second to me playing around with display settings; that.. and the fact that I've only been a webmaster for the better part of 5 weeks, and what would take an accomplished site builder a matter of minutes to do, could realistically take me an day or more, especially if I have a great thought on improving the layout, and not the faintest flippin' idea on how to actually accomplish it.

As an aside, and I've only had a quick google, and couldn't see anything; is there a js cross-browser compatabilty script anywhere. A thought occurred to me, as my site looks less than perfect in Firefox, and closer to rubbish in Opera (I downloaded it to test the site only.. and after seeing what it does, I won't be using it again) that if it's known what differences there are in each browser on actioning a line of code, it would be relatively simple for a script to be written that you can just add to the head of your page(s) that could adapt the various code parameters depending your browser. Perhaps I'll teach myself Java.. I have a book and the couple of CDs that came with it.. it can't be that difficult.. can it?? hahaha

I've just finished my first online form as well. This is for work, and was a case of me being asked for my views on the questions to be used and going off and building the whole form from scratch. It works as well.. surprisingly. I can get it to submit all the relevant info back to me, or anyone else for that matter, via email as a simple data string. What I'm going to be doing in the next day or two, is to [try to] get it to upload all the data into a spread sheet, or if it's more feasable, to an Access database. I've completed my obligatory half day course in basic Excel, so I'm obviously more than qualified to take that to the next level, and having just done a quick folder search whilst writing this, have found that I do indeed have Access installed on my machine. I now know more about the application than I did a minute a go. Should be fun. I picked up a book on Access today, so along with Google, and some luck, I'll be an expert in building databases come Friday or Saturday.

You see what I mean about being more interested in the mechanics of something, than in interesting monologue. This blog is a testament to this fact. I thought I'd say it before anybody else did. :)

Righty-ho, it's darts night tonight, and I should be half way through my first sweet sherry if there was a God, which must mean that He's keeping quiet, or Vardy et al. must be lying toerags. Well I had to put in some controversy, and it makes a change from Europe or Blair. With the elections probably happening in around nine and a half weeks (if I was better at this, I'm sure I could have put an hilarious coment in there, but I'm not so I won't) I'll be spleen venting with the best of 'em shortly.

As another aside, my local MP, Andrew McKay sent me a nice letter thanking me for my previous support of him in other elections. That was nice, but I thought my vote was secret, so how did he know that. I've never been on the payroll of the Conservative party, or even stuck the poster in my window before?? How strange, and yes I'm being a tad facaetious here.. :)

Where was I.. oh yes, darts..


