I learnt something this week, namely that the education system in this country is probably going down the pan. As you may know if you've been here for a while, I work for our local council. The job adverts came out on Wednesday. These are all in the public domain, as can be found here.
One that caught my eye, was for the modern apprentice scheme. An honourable way to start your career, and in so much as I know nothing about them, I'm sure it's a sterling idea. I was at a loss though, to understand the following..
"MAs allow a young person to earn as they learn and the scheme includes working towards a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ), technical certificate and appropriate key skills in communication, number and IT."
.. or more specifically what on earth "number" was. I guessed it may have something to do with err.. numbers. As I visit the library most days, I thought I'd find out. I found a very informative book.. and left it at work, as you do. It was basically a slightly older version of this one.
And here is the description..
"GNVQ Key Skills: Application of Number
Introducing a concise guide to all the Application of Number techniques required by Level 2 and 3 students in any subject. This book covers all the essential knowledge and techniques required to pass the Application of Number tests by showing students how maths can be applied in the real world. Maths is explained in a real-life context, using everyday examples that bring the subject alive. Unlike traditional maths books it focuses on the application of mathematical theory to the world around us.
Starting with basic principles the text works through to apply mathematics to relevant examples and applications that bring the subject into a clear and understandable context for students and teachers alike. Explanation is followed by exercises, turning knowledge into learning. The book’s emphasis is on learning and practising techniques, rather than portfolio-building. Use it for revision and external test preparation, making use of the practical definitions, clear explanations and numerous of practice opportunities provided."
Now I realise that along with a few others that visit this corner of my planet here, I have an interest in the sciences and am probably above average in the understanding of maths, taking the whole population into account. I also don't wish to insult anyone who has learning difficulties or any other problem that could hinder their educational development.
However, this book, and the whole thinking behind "number" is an insult to the people who have to learn it.. in my own humble opinion. You should remember that this is not a school book, but a post full time educational supplement, to help you acheive a nationally recognised employment qualification. And I've not told you about it yet have I? This book is the sort of educational book I'd feel happy in lending to my 4 year old nephew. I'm seeing him later and wished I had remembered to bring the book home, so I could do a little experiment.
If you're an adult reading this perhaps doing an NVQ/GNVQ, or even better someone in secondary school, would you need your maths text book to give you the full 1-12 list of the one times table? It does go into slightly more complex areas, and let's face it, it would only be a pamphlet otherwise; but there is nothing in that book that I could see that would trouble your average year 7 student. Or certainly not when I went to school.
Has dumbing down reached an all time low? If this is the sort of stuff that someone who's left school hasn't yet learnt, then what on earth has this government been getting teachers to teach their charges. I know the teachers are told what they have to teach, and do the best job they possibly can under increasing legislation and bureaucracy, so they must be tearing their hair out at having to follow dumbed down rubbish. If Kiteman's reading, what say you?
And why call it number in the first place? It just exudes "stupid politition, in this PC world, changing a perfectly good term for a new hip, trendy one, in a pure New Labour stylee", doesn't it. If I was looking to explain maths to someone using the term number, then I would be looking for a small child, and starting with the number 1 on their left thumb, continuing to 5 on the pinky before feeding them some blended food, and settling them down for their nap. I certainly wouldn't be aiming it at people who probably already have GCSEs in maths and maybe a science or two as well.
Anyway, that's enough ranting for now.. I have other subjects to rant on that are vaguely topical, but they will have to wait for now..
ps. If anyone from the photo blogs wants to critique my photos below, please feel free. I'm about to burn all 180 odd to CD now, and show them off to Mrs Liam's family.. they just don't realise it yet.. :)