The world of Liam: On holiday..

The world of Liam

Er.. Liam practicing his typing in front of a possible audience of a few billion, and a probable audience of significantly less.

Location: United Kingdom

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

On holiday..

This is the life.. 9.20 on a Tuesday, and I'm just lazing around, blogging. I have a bar of dark chocolate in front of me, fair trade of course. The local convenience store is a Co-op, and they stock a good range of these products. Go for the dark chocolate though. The milk chocolate is just bland. It's difficult to detect any real flavour.

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, nothing to do and all day to do it. Well almost. Mrs Liam and I are off to Wales tomorrow for a few days, so carefully filling a holdall with clothes etc. is going to take up ooh! around two minutes. For the female of the species I'm sure, this could take a while.. accessories, does this go with these.. etc. whereas I am of the lucky gender. Washbag, jeans and T-shirts, a pair of trousers and a decent shirt or two for dinner out, trainers and a pair of shoes, and a random handful of gentlemens personal attire. Packed and ready to go.

I just have to put a suitable amount of effort into making it look complicated and stressful, so as not to make out that us blokes are actually capable of doing these simple tasks blindfolded. It would upset the balance of power to a degree that I'm not sure I'm ready for. Could you chaps reading take that risk.. I couldn't.

And of course, two essential items. Golf clubs and a camera or two. As I'm going to be away from my PC for almost 5 days, I need to get myself another memory card for the camera, just in case. I may want to take more than 500 pictures, and so should be prepared.. :) I will of course post up a few of the best on my return.

I haven't blogged for a while now. I could put something here every day, I suppose, but would anybody want to read it..

"I started on an idea for a puzzles and comps page to the HSC website, in an effort to entice a wider readership, it's not online yet, as I want to change servers before doing anything more to the site structure" or "I won £750 playing online poker yesterday", besides being true, albeit play money; isn't all that facinating for others possibly. I tried similar phrases face to face, and my suspicions were confirmed.

Talking of poker, I started getting in from darts, pool, meetings, and all the other evening stuff I do, and ended up watching lots of poker tournaments on the TV. (Challenge TV.. channel 307NTL) It looks easy I thought, but as my idea of gambling is to put 50p in a fruit machine twice a year, I didn't fancy using my own hard earned to put this to the test. I had a look round the 'net over the weekend and found You download the program and in a few minutes you're playing real games with real people all round the world.. for free (or for real, if you are of a gambling ilk). If you like card games, you'll like this. And I got paid nothing for that blatant advert, which is a shame.. :)

Well that's about it for this thrilling episode.. tune in another time, for more err random stuff. I may blog again tomorrow, as I have all this time on my hands. Enjoy work.. I'm going to go and win some more money.. hopefully :)

