The world of Liam: Fame at last..

The world of Liam

Er.. Liam practicing his typing in front of a possible audience of a few billion, and a probable audience of significantly less.

Location: United Kingdom

Friday, November 05, 2004

Fame at last..


Two entries in one night.. you lucky people you. (It could've been four, so think yourselves very lucky indeed) :)

On Monday at work, myself and my two colleagues will be having a driving assessment. I should explain to those who don't know, that I'm a courier with Bracknell Council. We deliver mail and all sorts of other oddities to the various buildings in the Borough. The Borough is pretty vast being mostly rural, and so needs three people, each with a white van, to cover the area. We will be driving the van with an outside assessor in the passenger seat. He will evaluate our driving skills and report back to the boss. As I have a few money-off tokens for McDonalds, and have my assessment at 12:30, I do have the added advantage of culinery bribery at my disposal.. :)

The fame bit in the title is because, as we are the first of many to be involved in this scheme, we will be getting our piccies taken for, I assume the staff magazine. Being that we see, at some point or another, most employees of the Council, I suppose we are already fairly well known. To be photographed for all to see, resplendant in our uniforms, standing proudly by our trusty steeds is another matter entirely. I say steeds, although it will almost certainly not be my van. It's old now, (W reg Suzuki) and though I polish it lovingly day after day, and hoover it on the hour every hour (just in case my boss should ever read this) :) the two newer vans will no doubt be called upon to represent the mechanical element of this great vocation of ours.

I think the picture of me further down is a lucky fluke, but if not, I shall post this one up when I get it.. for posterity.

Well, I must quickly check out the rest of the WWW, and then lead my astoundingly successful pool team to victorious defeat once more. :) This will be against the team who stuffed us silly in the first round of the League Cup, last week.

My bit of fun is in the fact that I use black cue chalk, and it makes a right mess of the cue ball.. :D

See, as Garvan et al mention incessantly, I am truly evil.. Nyahahaha.. :)

