The world of Liam: Handy stuff to customize your blogging template..

The world of Liam

Er.. Liam practicing his typing in front of a possible audience of a few billion, and a probable audience of significantly less.

Location: United Kingdom

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Handy stuff to customize your blogging template..

Hi all,

As you may have seen, I'm starting to redecorate my basic blog template. After getting some very much needed initial help from Jeremy, I'm off and stumbling with a few additional tricks. I realise that I may be trying to teach many a granny to suck eggs here, but if you find either of the following links useful, please comment.

One that can really help to jazz up your blog is to change the colour scheme of the various areas of text. To change the colour of any text, simply place these following tags around it (I've had to change the < > to [ ] to kill the html, so you'll need to replace accordingly)..

[span style="color:#xxxxxx;"]your text goes here[/span],

The xxxxxx is where you insert the six character color code. This link explains the html colour charts, and gives you the codes to insert in the above tag.

The other handy site I found is this one. It list the most commonly used tags, and what they do. For instance, this one will drive people potty, but is fun..

Cuddly toy.. err, toaster.. err, pot plant.. err, Cuddly toy, no, I've already said that... etc.

..okay, I've mixed in a few different ones there, but you get the idea.

{Disclaimer: If everyone's blog suddenly sprouts whole paragraphs of scrolling text, don't blame me, I didn't invent it.. I just told you about it.}

There are also all the tags for putting in music, video clips etc.

Hope that was helpful.. I certainly enjoyed writing it.. :)



EDIT: I've just had a look at this post in Mozilla, as the scrolling text tags are meant to be primarily for use when viewing IE driven browsers. It does work, in a fashion, but would need some parameter settings added into the script. Apart from that, Mozilla users will see roughly what I can.. :)