The world of Liam: Labour's European dream gone for a burton..

The world of Liam

Er.. Liam practicing his typing in front of a possible audience of a few billion, and a probable audience of significantly less.

Location: United Kingdom

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Labour's European dream gone for a burton..

You may have read in the news yesterday that Labour got a bit of a slap in the face in their charge toward their European dream. The people of the North were given the choice of whether to accept yet another tier of government. They said NO, in a big, bold upper case sort of way. Good on you; the people of the North.

Why does this have anything to do with that stinking political cess-pool we lovingly know as the European Union, I hear you ask? Well, if you didn't already know, England is to be divided up into nine regions, each able to send four representatives to the "European Committee of the Regions". These regions will then be at the mercy of any decisions that are made there, whether that is in the interests of the people of these regions or not. Labour agreed to this. They are selling us out to Europe by the backdoor. Anyone read much about the greater involvement in Europe that the forming of these separate devolved regions would lead to? Nah, didn't think so. It's been kept quite quiet hasn't it.

Did anyone think it strange that Uriah Heep (sorry, Charles Kennedy) should be there supporting Prescott's efforts to secure a YES vote? Ole' Chucky makes Jaques Chirac look like a euroskeptic. It must be seriously in Kennedy's interest to support the regionalisation, considering that to back it, he must sit side by side with polititions that took Britain to the war in Iraq; something he disagreed with wholeheartedly.

I doubt for one minute that Blair, Prescott et al, will have given up on this. They want us in Europe any way they can fix it. I would think that they've pretty much given up on the referendum for the EU constitution for a while. They know that if they held it tomorrow, then they would lose by a country mile. They definitely thought they were in with a shout by holding referenda for regionalisation, but that has now left Prescott with egg on his face (again). The people of this country don't want to ruled by an unelected, undemocratic bureaucracy. They want to be run by a err.. undemocratic.. bureaucracy err.. that was elected. At the moment we can vote in or out, whoever we as a country choose to. We should also be able to vote in a new administration that is able to overturn any decisions made by their predeccesors. The moment we throw ourselves into the idiocy that is the European Union, we can kiss all our democratic freedoms goodbye. Never again will we as a country be able to decide for ourselves what is in our best interests.

I for one, do not want yet more meaningless legislation forced upon me by some autonomous authority, that I have no voice in. At least with our own government, however much I disagree with them, I can have a say in who runs the country every four years or so.. This is not the case with Europe. They will run our country as they see fit, and if we don't like it.. we can jolly well lump it. Why on earth should I have to live my life according to how Polish, German, French or even Turkish polititions think I should?

Oh well, rant over.. :)

Read this and this for more info on the splitting up of Britain's regions to facilitate us becomming part of the grand United States of Europe.

